Roy's Comedy Magic Show

Roy's Birthday Party Package for Children

During my show I use between four to six children at different times to come up and help me do a magic trick. Of course, the birthday child is one of the helpers. Those children helping me in the show get a special treat. I blow up one of those long, skinny balloons and sculpt some kind of an animal. It might be a dog, a giraffe, a swan, a bunny rabbit or, even a special surprise animal.

The birthday child is used twice in the show. Once near the beginning and once at the end. At the end of the show the birthday child becomes a magician (with a special little wizards hat) and he/she does the last magic trick in the show.

There is ALWAYS a live bunny in the show. His name is Q.T. and you can view a picture of him in other parts of this web site.

After the show, I have a couple of special presents for the birthday child, a gift for each guest in attendance and we finish up by singing "Happy Birthday."

The magic show itself runs forty-five minutes, then, depending on how many guests you have, another fifteen to twenty minutes for all the children to pet the rabbit, for me to give out the party favor and for us all to sing "Happy Birthday" in a very special manner. A typical birthday party show runs an hour to an hour and five minutes.

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  • Thank you for making the Chevron Company Picnic a smashing success this year. We heard nothing but positive comments form everyone who watched your act.

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