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I was really impressed with the way you handled the responses of the engineers. These guys are really bright and love to solve puzzles. I knew they might give you a tough time, but you handled them with great aplomb and humor.” I can’t tell you how many people came up to me afterwards and told me how much fun they had, including the President of the company, the Sr. Vice President of Sales, and one of the engineers, who told me his two year old son had a great time. It was great entertainment for both the adults as well as the children, even the very young children.

Ariane L. Bowes
Director, Administration and human Resources
Montage, Inc

…how much everyone enjoyed you at our party last Saturday at the Encinal Yacht Club. I had lots of positive feedback and you certainly had a captive audience with all the children. In fact, my eight year old has already put in a request that I have you entertain at his “ninth” birthday party next spring

Ms. Teri Kern
Charles Schwab